These flash cards for learning football rules were originally designed to help myself break down the complex information in the Rule Book into much smaller, more manageable bits. As a tool to aid in recall, they are color-coded and with different fonts for emphasis of aspects that are particularly important or difficult to remember. They are also cross-referenced such that if there is a rule that is similar but different between NCAA and NFHS, then the NCAA card shows which NFHS card has that information on it, and vice versa. The original cards were printed on rigid card stock, 3" x 5", so they would fit in a shirt pocket. That way, I could take some everywhere I went and study just about any time, anywhere. Once in a while, a fellow football official would see them. Almost every time this happened, the question would be asked, "Where did you get these?" My answer would be, "I made them myself." More than a few times, the comment was then made, "Man, I'd like to have a set. These are awesome."
I am more than happy to share any resource I have if it will be beneficial to a fellow football official. The problem was in the cost. Printing the cards, full-color, double-sided, on good quality paper was around $250.00 - and that's just for the NCAA cards. Also, this was every year because the Rule Book is revised/updated every year, and it's necessary to keep all the information complete and current. Enter the idea of putting them online.
This would allow anyone with internet access to use this study tool easily and affordably...without having to pay $250. It also eliminates the possibility of damage to the cards, such as spilling coffee on them, misplacing some of them, or dogs mangling them. Best of all, this online format also allows for the opportunity to include video examples of fouls or rules. It's one thing to memorize the words that describe the six categories of defensive pass interference, for example, but it's quite another to actually see it. Seeing it is exponentially more memorable than just reading words. Much time and effort has been put into this project, but if it helps any other football official to have a better understanding and retention of the rules - and especially if it helps anyone to achieve goals with a higher level of success - then it is totally worth it. Included with your subscription is a complete day-by-day schedule of what to work on, when and how.