"A candle loses nothing when it lights another candle."

This is true in a literal sense, but it also has metaphorical application to many other situations - such as officiating football.  No football official ever achieved success, or the privilege of working at a higher level, without the help of someone else.  We all help one another.  We all have each other's back.  The following people are just some of those to whom I am forever indebted for their support, encouragement, kindness, and in some cases their patience with me as I ask question after question after question after question after question...

David Almand

John Braun

Jack Childress

Jerry Cowan

Jim Cradic

Doug Dellinger

Karlton Derrick

Lynn Griffith

Lee Hedrick

Scott Held  

Randy Hodge

George Jordan

Stuart Mullins

Dominique Pender

Blue Ridge Football Officials Clinic


Tom Beard Football Officials Clinic

Last but not least: my loving wife Glynna